Qoo10 is founded by Giosis, a joint venture company formed with eBay, the world's largest online marketplace, which aims to become Asia's leading online marketplace. Giosis provides a powerful online marketplace platform that allows its buyers enjoy highly secure and convenient shopping experience. The company currently operates 7 localized online marketplaces in 5 countries including Japan, Singapore and plans to expand into more Asian countries in the near future.
Vision : Our vision is to bring together diverse buyers and sellers worldwide and improve life everywhere. We will strive to provide enjoyable and great shopping experience.
So you might wonder, what does Qoo10 stands for?
I mean, for me, it's kinda hard to pronounce that word err Q-oh-oh-ten?
Well, "Q" stands for "Quest", "oo" stands for "Search" and 10 stands for "Perfection and completeness". They claim to deliver 3Q services to their customers -
Quest - We will dedicate to our customers "Quest" for fun and value.
Quick - We will provide "Quick" and seamless shopping services.
Quality - We will ensure "Quality" in our entire services.
Giosis currently has partnerships with various companies involving advertising, promotion, event, payment, and shipping service. This means that you can have a shot in other things by partnering with Giosis!
Now, lets move on to my shopping experience with Qoo10!
I'm an avid online shopper, and overall I'm really satisfied with the services Qoo10 provides.
I was browsing through Google Play store to search for some shopping apps in Malaysia, and found this app (again). Previously I downloaded it but I didn't really get the way it works, also I wasn't sure if it's a trusted seller bla bla and had some misconception about it.
Few months ago I downloaded it back, only to find out it was extremely easy to use, and there were other fun stuffs like the Lucky Lounge etc.
So if you were to download their mobile app "Qoo10 App"
it will be something like this .. *prepare for a spamload of photos* :D
After opening the app, you will come across their user interface:
The homepage button
The search toolbar
Membership status
As you can see, mine is green here :P
Membership level
VIP : Credit points more than 50 + at least 20 purchases & $200 total within 3 months
GOLD : 30 < Credit points < 50 + at least 10 purchases & $50 total within 3 months
SILVER : 15 < Credit points < 30 + at least 5 purchases & $50 total within 3 months
GREEN : 0 < Credit points < 15
What is credit point?
Credit points are issued to a member when orders are made or deducted when orders are cancelled. A member's accumulated credit points are used to determine one's membership level.
[Credit point issued]
Qoo10 member registration : 5 points
Order completion : 1 point
[Credit point deducted]
Order cancelled or refunded : 1~4 points deducted
Categories of products
From their homepage itself,
you can have a quick glance on their Bestsellers, Time Sale
Daily Deal, Group Buy, Q-chance Sale
Q Special, Lucky Price
Auction, Brand Zone, Q stamp zone and Roulette Q
There is a user bar at the bottom,
where you can check out Today's Sale, Bestsellers, Lucky Lounge, Cart, Q Box
for quick navigation
Lucky Lounge is the same as the Roulette Q.
It's where you spin a roulette and win vouchers on a daily basis. If you play the roulette everyday, you can get MameQ points (Green, Silver, or Gold) depending on your "attendance card".
Honestly, I think it's so cute and also it's super rewarding as I can use the vouchers to save on shipping and item discounts! That's why I open this app every single day.
You can use the MameQ points to "Shoot your Lucky Price", where if your bidding price is the most unique price, you will win the stuff!
For example for today, under the Lucky Price section, there is an epsilator.
That is what you will win if your price is the most unique price! Hehe. But be aware that the seller might claim that the item is out of stock, as I saw quite a number of people are dissatisfied as they did not receive their prize.
Under Today's Sale, there is Time Sale
in which the products are in promotion price within the limited time.
If there's something you want, be sure to grab it!
Bestsellers give you a guide on what are the best selling products, it changes week to week (or day to day?) and I always find my goodies here :D you can choose your categories at the top toolbar. I usually choose beauty mwahahah
Since it's a bestseller, it means that most of them have good reviews and many people purchase them :)
This is how your cart looks like.
You can use your Cart Coupons on the cart
and Item Coupons on the item for more discount!
Place order if you confirm you are going to order your stuff :)
1. My List
Today's View - What products you viewed today
Wish List - Add something you want to buy in the future! :D I add so many stuff everyday
Following Shop List - List of shops you followed. I follow those reliable shops with the things I want :) Its also easier to check out what new products they have!
My Review - My reviews about the products I received. Posting reviews lets you gain more Qpoints that you can use!
2. My Orders
Recent Orders - Recent orders I made (in March, April, May .. etc)
Cancel/Refund - Items that are canceled/refunded to me
My Auction - Auction .. in case you wanna have one :P
eTicket Voucher - Not really sure what is this. But for sure I do not have a eTicket voucher.
3. Q account
Coupon - All the coupons I've collected so far
Q account - My account details
My event - No events .. I wonder what is this for. Creating own events?
4. Customer Center
Qpost - Post questions you wanna ask to your seller and check for their replies. Also Qoo10 sends notifications if your payment is completed, items shipped .. etc.
Qdesk - Something like a helpdesk where you ask Qoo10 questions
Help - Help information you need
5. My info
Personal info
You really need to be careful while shopping on Qoo10 and watch out for customer reviews. Since there are MANY sellers on Qoo10, you really need to make sure your seller is a reliable one before you make any orders.
Most of the sellers are from Korea, so sometimes at the item Q&A section (where customers post and inquire about the products and other info to the seller), the seller's reply is kinda like .. weird. Its because they are Korean, so they translated their reply into English then posted it.
If you can understand Korean then you'll know why the verbs and nouns are like all terbalik mixed up. Likewise, your questions need to be easy to understand and typed properly, so that they can translate it into Korean and understand what you're asking. Get it? :D
Until now I've seen sellers ranging from Singapore, Japan, China, Korea, and even Malaysia! So sometimes, their English will be correct. :)
I don't really dare to buy from sellers who doesn't have reviews. Likewise, if I really dared to buy an item without reviews and received it in a good condition, I would post a review about it to encourage others to buy the same product! Heheh.
Another thing that I think is that, after you made your payment, the money is with Giosis, and after you clicked "Confirm Delivery", then they'll release the money to the seller. That's my concept, Giosis acts like a middle-man? So be sure to confirm your delivery after you receive your items. Pity the sellers. They sent the parcels all the way from Korea (??) and didn't get their money (??). Haha. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Also, if they sent wrong or damaged item, let them know in your review or heck yeah, you can even ask the seller yourself whether can get refund or some sort of compensation.
For me, I ordered a 3ce 1+1 Mist which should be 2 Full sized mist, but I got one full sized and one mini Aqua Mist. =_=
I thought I looked wrongly at the item description, turns out the seller sent the wrong item.
The seller refunded the money back into my Qaccount, and I transferred the money back out to my bank account. It was all very convenient and done quickly. Sometimes, if your items are damaged, the seller will send back another same item for you. Well, it all depends on the seller.
If your order is On Request for a long time, it might be because of the item is out of stock and the seller is waiting for the item to be back in stock, and then they will send it out to you.
Anyway, for my case, I ordered something then it ran out of stock,
the seller just cancelled the order himself and refunded me the money
(without asking me whether to keep the order on hold or whatever)
Before this, during my "research mode", I emailed the customs about tax on buying cosmetics and books overseas and ship to Malaysia. They replied after 1 or 2 days, telling me that cosmetics and books are non-taxable. However I've seen on some websites or forums saying that they are required to fill out a Notification form or some sort because they ordered too much cosmetics. Like bulk purchase and combined with families and others .. So I was quite worried.
Just to be safe, make sure your order on cosmetics does not exceed RM 500. Divide them into separate parcels. Better pay for shipping rather than going through all these procedures! They can be really "taxing", you know.
Even if the customs do not claim tax from you, if your parcel is way too big and got unlucky = inspected by the customs, the Malaysian Pharmaceutical Board will hold onto your stuff (since they're cosmetics) and requires you to do MORE procedures in order to get your stuff.
From what I know, you need to have a company to fill in the Notification form, since you buy so many stuff until which they considered import! If you don't get your things, they will destroy it. Means your stuff will go whooosh tata!
Very bad.
You'll be the most dissatisfied customer in the whole wide world!! *yells and flip table*
I know the feeling of paying for it and NOT GETTING IT ..
I myself is anxious for my stuff since the day I placed my order.
Don't wanna disappoint yourself? Then be careful. Hehe.
Overall, I'm a satisfied customer from Qoo10! Shopping is a breeze if you use the mobile app ~
Never regret downloading the app and enjoyed myself browsing through new and fun stuff every single day! And beware of EXTREME SHOPPING ADDICTION with this app. My boyfriend wanted to delete it every single time he sees me browsing thru it again.
Seriously. It can create a huge damn BLACK HOLE right in your pocket.
So these are some of the stuffs I got from Qoo10 :D
Gonna post about them soon!

What I posted is all my honest opinion and in no way sponsored by anyone. I just wanted to share out my experience on buying cosmetics online (there's always a chance of getting cheated by online sellers since you can't touch or see the products in real life). If anything is sponsored (if I'm lucky enough to get sponsored), it will be stated and I will always give honest opinions about my experience, I myself don't like getting cheated into buying something that isn't good.
Also it feels really bad if I ended up buying something from a "sucky" website as nobody said anything bad about it (because talking about it might be a hassle), I would be really pissed off. So, yeah. Lets be fair! Hehe honest opinions help out the companies to know their products AND consumers better too :)
Link (Desktop site) : http://www.qoo10.my/
Qoo10 FAQ : http://www.qoo10.my/gmkt.inc/CS/NHelpFaq.aspx
P.S: you would reaaaally want to read the FAQ and get to know more about the process first before purchasing anything :) I know you're a wise consumer *smirks*